In a few weeks I am going to be hosting a dinner party for some of our friends. I suggested to make a traditional Czech meal and they got very excited about that idea. But now I am afraid I don’t know what to cook! There is so much (so little?) to chose from!
A regular non-Czech person is not going take a potato pancake or a stuffed fruit dumpling for a main course. No way. Or should I risk it?
If the meatless dishes are out then what is left? Goulash? Well, that’s not really a Czech meal. Svickova? That’s so much work (and what if the dumplings don’t come out right?)! Vepro knedlo zelo (Pork, sauerkraut and dumplings)??
Vote please and solve my indecisiveness!
CZ: Rozhodli jsme se s manzelem usporadat veceri pro par nasich pratel. Nabidla jsem se, ze uvarim neco ceskeho a vsichni s tim napadem nadsene souhlasili. Ted z toho mam ale trosku strach. Co mam varit? Klasicke bramboraky nebo ovocne knedliky mi normalni American nepozre. To by se na mne koukali, jako na blazna; nebo by cekali, ze jim prinesu druhy chod – s masem...nebo to mam zkusit?
Kdyz vyskrtame vsechna vegetarianska jidla, co nam zbyva? Gulas? To preci neni prave ceske jidlo…Svickova? To je ale preci tolik prace! Nebo Vepro, knedlo,zelo? To je take dosti pracne…a co kdyz se nepovedou knedliky?! To uz by byla upna katastrofa.
Volte prosim v nize uvedene ankete, at vim, co uvarit!
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Hi Tanya,
Well, I voted for ‘Svickova’ but somehow this became vepro, knedlo, zelo….
My personal opinion is svickova, everytime I had this as a child, it always seemed like so much care and effort went into its preparation….
A very close second is ovocne knedliky!
Preju ty Vam mnohem stesti!!
KOnzultoval jsem Tvuj problem s mou amero/anglickou manzelkou.
Rekla, ze svickova (i kdyz se mi moc nepovedla diky nekvalitnimu/drevenemu celeru), bylo asi to nejprekvapivejsi jidlo. Nikdy nic takoveho nejedla. Gulas je dost podobny stew, VKZ je spise nemecke jidlo a bramboraky ji moc nejely. Asi moc mastne na jeji vkus.
Myslim ze svickova je tvuj “best bet” i kdyz je to hodne prace. 😉
Good luck.
I feel with you. This is a hard decision. Good thing is that most Americans are pretty open minded and will taste anything. Another story is , will they like it? 🙂
We organized a cultural celebration at our school last year. Showcasing the culture, history and food. I was so excited … at first. Then I realized there is so much information about Czech. I did not know where to start and what to pick. Not a good thing in my case. 🙂
I agree with you about svickova. It is soooooo much work and funny thing about svickova is you either love it or hate it. Even with Czech people. When I think about traditional I think Vepro, knedlo, zelo. It is really not that hard either. You can make knedliky ahead of time and freeze it (if they come out perfect. 🙂 If not, make knedliky s vajickem for the kids and try another batch. 🙂 ) You can always make mini bramboracky as an appetizer ( with a dollop of sour cream), vepro, knedlo, zelo as a main entree and sweet dumplings as a desert. 🙂
Before we had children and had more time to entertain this is what I made. 🙂 Hovezi polevku (knedlicky a nudle), vepro, knedlo zelo (kynute a bramborove knedliky) (cervene a bile zeli) a jako moucnik strudl. It is a lot of work but a lot can be made ahead of time. Good luck and whatever you make, I am sure will be great.
a co tak rizek, brambor…nejaka zelenina..nebo bramborovy salat? to je dost snadne a kazdy ma rad rizek…ale gulas je prece Cesky! dobrou polevku and moucnik a maz to!
Z me vlastni zkusenosti bych delala bud gulas, nebo rizek. Kysele zeli nikdo z me rozsirene americke rodiny vubec neji a sladke knedliky by povazovali za moucnik, ne hlavni jidlo. Preju hodne stesti!!!
Vepro, knedlo, zelo! Hell yes! I long for it wherever I go. Don’t forget the caraway seeds. and lots of PIVO to wash it down!!! Yessssss!!!
If you want easy, I agree with Dagmar, řízek a bramborový salát. Add okurkový salát and you have a meal in American eyes (meat, potato, & vegetable). Americans like fried food so you really can’t go too wrong with breaded pork (unless they are Jewish or 7th Day Adventists). The good part is the bramborový salát is best when made the day before so that takes some of the work out of your day. A good desert is palačínky or the lovely poppyseed koláčky. You can add a couple koláčky with jelly just for those few that won’t eat the poppyseeds. Oh, and everytime I’ve been to CR – to someone’s home for dinner, I’m always offered rum & caj after dinner, so be sure to include that 🙂
But if you want to impress them, go for the gold and make the svičkova. 🙂 I’ve yet to meet an American that didn’t like it, especially if you lean to the sweet side vrs the sour. Svíčkova is really different for us Americans – quite a delicious cultural experience. 🙂 But since we Americans love our vegetables, you may want to serve okurkový salát with it as well.
Have fun, I’m sure your American friends will!
Oh, and I’m betting most Americans would not see potato pancakes as dinner. It seems like breakfast to me. Having potato pancakes at night would be like an evening when you are really busy and don’t get a chance to cook dinner so about 9 p.m., you quickly fry up some eggs just because your starving.
Funny story, a czech friend of mine called me one evening and said he was making potato pancakes and wanted to know if I wanted some. I told him I’d be glad to come get some that I could use them for breakfast the next day. He and my husband just shook their heads and laughed at me. 🙂
Once we had an American friend with his wife over for dinner. They had traditional “knedlo zelo vepro” and “dabelske toasty”. After 3 weeks his wife died. I hope it was an coincidence.
Podle me rizkem opravdu nikdo nepohrdne a vepro knedlo zelo muzes udelat s bramborovym knedlikem, tam je vetsi pravdepodobnost na uspech! Hodne stesti! Uplne chapu jak se citis, mivam stejne dilema!
Thanks for all of your help! So I think it’s between Svickova and Vepro knedlo zelo (bcse potato dumplings easier…I have never made them but I trust your guys’s judgement). Lenko, I cannot believe you made hovezi polevku with dumplings (!!!) – that is an accomplishment even though you had no kids at that time!
Katko, your potato pancake story is really funny 🙂
About the potato salad: the problem with it is that it is served cold and my husband wasn’t that into it when I cooked it for him. Americans are not used to eating cold side dishes 🙁
Vlastimil, let’s hope her death is not related to your cooking. Although dabelske tousty are kinda scary
The best choice is svickova – a know it’s a lot of work, but not too many common American dishes come with a great sauce, so it’s appreciated.
My American wife also LOVES “segedinsky gulas” a “kure na paprice” (with rice or pasta). And how about some dark headcheese (tlacenka) with vinegar, raw onion and rye bread for appetizers?
Not long ago, I had a Wiener Schnitzel , oversalted and for $27 . There is nothing better than a simple Czech “rizek”….
Headcheese Martin?!?, they are American, you don’t want to send them running out the door before the main course! 😉
My husband loves it. It’s often in our home, but I’ve yet to see an American that didn’t curl their lip at the site of it – including myself. It would be a cultural experience for them though, I gotta give you that. Throw in a little blood sausage and utopence to top it off :-p
How exciting. A contest. Your two top choices are tied. What always freaked me out about Svíčkova is the whipped cream and cranberries. That would be quite a conversation starter for your Americans. But when does an American ever get to eat pork and sauerkraut anymore? I would LOVE that. My mom always used to fold the saurkraut into the mashed potatoes. Man, was that good. I’ve never been served that by anyone else.
Vlastimil, my blog is still censored, otherwise I would have been able to tell you how you make me roll on the floor laughing. You ALWAYS crack me up.
mmmm tlacenka..taky doma jsme delaly jatra, ledvinky, srdce, mozecek “na stave”…mami rika ze jsem papala vse! asi v te dobe McDonalds jeste neprisel do Brna…(mid-60’s for those doing math)
ale fakt je, ze jitrnice je nejlepsi!!! hodne krupava a musi prasknout nekolikrat.. LOL ale to bych nedelala pro moje Kanadske hoste …maybe wean them in over time although hubby does say “no” to a few “interesting” looking things, not sure if i’d get back to eating such rich foods…a svickova? ja tam nedavam slehacku ani sour cream..trochu bileho vina, pekne zahustit..koreni dela svickovou, muzes to upravit jak chces
my husband just reminded me of the vepro, knedlo, zelo that mom used to make everytime we’d visit (many years ago while we were still dating)…too bad i didn’t pack “digestive enzymes”…he loved it but, ummm…yes, honey that WAS quite funny!!
Gulas je Madarske jidlo, ale Cesi si ho docela osvojili a kdyz se zeptate Americanu, co byli v CR, tak si mnozi mysli, ze je to tradicni ceske jidlo. Gulas je hodne oblibeny u cizincu a najdete ho ve skoro kazde ceske hospode. A na nem se nic neda zkazit 🙂 Mimo knedliku…Ja jsem delala vegetariansky gulas cele americke rodine a kamaradum a vsem moc chutnal, takze kdyz zkusite obycejny masovy gulas, urcite budete mit take uspech.
Knedlo, zelo, vepro neni take spatny napad, i kdyz pro mnohe to muze byt tezke na zaludek.
Rizky a tradicni bramborovy (s korenovou zeleninou) salad by take mohli prijemne prekvapit vase hosty. Sladke jidlo jako hlavni chod bych ale nezkousela, protoze vetsina Americanu by na to koukala jako na dezert a cekala na hlavni chod 🙂 Hodne stesti!
A nezapomente na ceske pivecko 🙂
I would do smazene kureci rizac with mashed potatoes. Whip the bramborove kase full of air and put butter all over it. Or if you’re a good cook make spenelsky ptacek. That’s my all time favorite and I’m American and I never went to the Czech Republic until I was over 30. Also smazene kvetak is great. For dessert you should do something with mak (ground poppy seeds) if you can find it. A poppyseed strudel, although not really czech, would be a good way to introduce your friends to this flavor. svickova is often an acquired taste and a lot of people can’t appreciate knedliky because it’s similar to amarican white bread. Bramborovy knedliky is more interesting. what about drstkova? just kidding!
I love it! It’s like having a life coach (or actually like 15 of them) and I don’t have to pay a dime 🙂
Thanks for all of your advices.
It looks like Svickova and Vepro knedlo zelo are pretty tight.
If I wanted to be really safe I would make goulash. I make it like a stew, with a bunch of potatoes and it’s super yummy. Maybe I will just make up a name that will make it sound like it’s Czech goulash and not the Hungarian type. Well, if you put together “czech” and “gulash” you get….. ….”CULASH”! How about I call it that name?? 😉
PS: Dessert will be definitely either something with poppy seeds (maybe nudle s makem? Just kidding, that would really turn their stomachs) like 3 boys suggested or an apple strudel since I can buy the pastry in the store.
Culash sounds good. I made a vegetarian-vegan goulash and named it veganash 🙂
Apple strudel is always a big hit for tourists in Prague. Or you can make bublaninu with seasonal fruit.
Actually, svickova is not that difficult. The hard part is making dumplings from scratch. My favorite dessert is venecky, or veterniky, but both are very difficult to make. How about a nice babovka or jahodovy kolac and caj s rhumem?
Culas – Goulash… zni skoro stejne. Co takhle Czulas?? LOL
Hmmmmm, headcheese and utopenci. Yummy. I had that right before midnight at my wedding (99% americans) and everybody was looking at it like I just pulled out a bloody brain. 🙂 Which I knew they would. So me and my husband (who loves it) just had a great time with plenty of left overs to take home.
Karen we made mushed potatoes with sourkraut too. Well still do. I love it love it love it. My parents and grandparents added skvarky (fried pork fat) and sadlo instead of butter. This is more of a Slovakian dish so when I tell my check friends they never believe me. It is nice to hear that somebody else had it and likes it. 🙂
well…all of this food talk has inspired me to quickly organize a boys night for my husband, my son and his friends and i’m putting on a Czech spread HA…we’re mostly vegetarian BUT lookout, it will be full out yummers..messages coming in already that they can’t wait LOL…yep, i’ll be in the kitchen all night it seems! thanks Tanya 🙂
Tanjo, this all is making me want to have a party and cook too. 🙂 I guess the left over palacinky my daughter and I made yesterday for breakfast and bramboraky (yeah, for dinner) the day before will have to do for today. 🙂
Lenko, co jsou utopenci?? A skvarky..mami delala hromady! my jsme pouzivaly sadlo na a ja zacinam schovavat kureci sadlo a tak…jo to je dobrota!!
What about Spanelske Ptacky and rice or you could also make Czech Dublingswth it. I have a great microwave recipe for dumplings and they come out pretty solid.
Do misky nakrajime:
jeden a pul French Bread na kosticky,
prisypeme jeden a pul ctvrlitroveho hrnku hrube mouky (Wondra All Purpose quick mixing flour),
2 zloutky, asi pul lzicky soli, pulku prasku do peciva (1 lzicka) a zalijeme jednim a pul ctvrlitrovym hrnkem studeneho mleka. Pak uslehame 2 bilky a hned je lehce vmichame do vyse uvedene hmoty.
Vezmeme nejakou formu, ktera da knedlikum tvar. Mne se osvedcila na babovku (nejlepe z jenskeho skla, silikonu, nebo keramiky. Ne plechovou!!!!
Vytreme ji maslem a vysypeme hrubou moukou, presuneme do ni testo a dame do mikrovlnky “vlnit” asi 8 minut (vykon 750W).Vyklopime a nakrajejte ostrym nozem.
Dobrou Chut,
I think svickova would be the best food. You can make it day ahead. If the dumplings do not turn out right you can always serve it with pasta or rice. I made svickova this past summer with my American friends. They all enjoyed the dish. For dessert, maybe apple strudel with vanilla ice cream. For appetizer, how about something simple and American such as veggie tray with a dip and crackers and cheese? I guess it also depends how many people are coming over. The more people the more easier you want to make it on yourself. Bramborak for example would be great appetizer but if you have more then four people it will take a long time to fry and your whole house is going to smell. Good luck!
Dagmar, utopenci jsou nalozene spekacky nebo toceny salam do laku z vody, octa, soli, cukru, oleje, pepre, feferonek a bobkoveho listu. Spekacky a na platky nakrajena cibule se da do lahve a preleje vychlazenym lakem a necha ulezet alespon tyden. ale cim jsou starsi, tim jsou lepsi. 🙂 Skvarky jsou to co zustane po vysmazeni sadla. Cerstve sadlo (nesolene, nenalozene) se nakraji na kosticky a vyskvari se. Sadlo se sleje a ty kousky co zustanou jsou skvarky. My je tady delame i masove, coz delam kdyz okrajim veprove aby nebylo tak tucne. A pak se pekne nacpeme tim co jsme pracne okrajeli. 🙂 Take do te kase se zelim nekdy davam uzene maso povarene. V Atlante je dobry cesky reznik tak na nej jezdime tam. 🙂
Karen, the svickova with cranberries…I think you are confusing it with some swedish meal ….
BTW, I am so happy to be your private entertainment 🙂
Simona, spanelske ptacky miluju , nevim, proc jsou spanelske a nevim, proc je tam ta zdrobnelina, ale je to dobrota, akorat ty nite se mi zamotavaji do zubu 🙂
If I were a White House corrupt politician, you could always smear me with “strudel”….Only God and my wife know how I love strudel
I love “bramboraky”, filled with garlic and “majoranka” (marihuana in English?)
My wife makes the best bramboraky , they really smell . After eating them, I always have to take a PTO (personal time off) from work 😉
Tanja, I really LOVE your blog.
You made me so hungry ….You are sabotaging my “Weight Watchers” diet 🙁
Folks! There is so much Czech food energy flowing that I am getting heartburn just by reading all of those comments!
Zdenku – I really like Czulash! What would be the appropriate pronunciation? Culas? (with hacek above ‘c’ and ‘s’). Niiiiceeeee :)))
Vlastimile, I have to disappoint you but when I had Svickova in Czech it always came with whipped cream and cranberries too. My mom never made Svickova so I would have to get my cravings satisfied either at my friend’s house or at a restaurant. So maybe the true home made Svickovas don’t come with that?
PS: I have to ask you something embarrassing. What tea do you use for ‘caj s rumem’ and how much rum? I had it way back when I was in the mountains, skying but that’s about it….. And I swear to you I am Czech!!!!
PS: Notice that no one mentioned to serve what’s on the actual picture: pork, dumplings and spinach….blaaah! I think I threw up that stuff like 100 times when I was in the kindergarten. They made us finish all of that disgusting ‘spinach’ – if you can even call it that.
PS: How about just serving them freshly baked bread and some salt to go along with? It couldn’t get more Czech than that! 😉
Mýslím že any kind of tea is fine. Použiváš 1 nebo 1/2 shot per 1 cup of tea. You have a couple weeks so go ahead and experiment each night until you find your liking 🙂
Tonight my czech friend didn’t have rum so he made me an even better tea – zelený čaj s slívovici a medem a cukrem. Delicious!!
you know you’re a true Czech in America/Canada when you can write Cesky i Anglicky v jednom dechu and have no problem speed reading through…especially when it describes caj s slivovici, medem a cukrem…a ted kde najit slivovici…mozna rum bude stacit. Woot!! Katko, yep any kind of tea at that point would be fine
Tanya, they used to feed us schnitzel in daycare…i remember throwing it under the table once thinking i’d leave room for dessert…the teacher was horrified
Dagmar, I wish that were the case, that mz Czech and English were so equally good that I switched between the two without realizing it. I do switch without realizing it, but not because I’m equally fluent in both. It’s because I start out in czech and then don’t know the czech word so I automatically switch to English without realizing it 🙂 However, I have noticed lately that when I read Czech, I so easily translate it to English in my mind that I forget I’m reading in Czech 🙂
Kde v US bydliš? In my part of the country it is MUCH easier to find slivovice than tuzemak rum.
LOL i’m the same…started Czech, born in Brno…came to Canada in ’69 (i’m in Ontario) last time i tasted slivovice is when grampa brought it over hehe homemade did amazing feats lighting it on fire right on the spoon! horrid stuff as i recall…we have a big Czech community in Toronto and Montreal..i’m sure i can source it out but eh, rum is better 🙂
Vlastimile….ahem, majoranka je “majoram”…ale myslim ze to by byla zajimava vecere kdybys ty kuchtil
Ja misto tuzemaku pouzivam cheap brandy. E&J XO nebo VSOP je podle meho nejlepsi. Chutna SKORO jako tuzemak. A do caje se hodi lip nez jamajsky (nebo jakykoli jiny) rum.
Aha, my husband will be greatful if I begin to use VSOP brandy in my tea instead of the tuzemak. 🙂 We only get a couple bottles a year from CR and I’m usually the one drinking it all in my tea since he’s more of a beer & wine drinker 🙂
Tanja, regardin the “caj s rumem”, (tea with rum)….. If the rum is white, use any brown tee as a coloring …. If the rum is brown, you can safely leave the tea out 🙂
Je fakt, ze Karibske rumu jsou nepodarene napodobeniny Tuzemaku, ktery je proste jednicka, i kdyz na ruznych tech Expo by asi zanou nevyhrall…. But what do I care?
Caj s rumem co si pamatuji byl vzdycky silny cerny caj s cukrem, ale ja ho tady delam i z ovocneho, specialne jablecneho nebo hruskoveho a je take moc dobry. Kdyz jsem tady rodince delala cesky spenat, nemohla jsem nikde sehnat spenatovy protlak, vsechny mrazene spenaty byly bud cele nebo nasekane listy, tak jsem to musela rozmixovat rucne, ale koukali na to jako na neco nechutyho. Jediny, kdo to pak jedl, jsem byla ja 🙁
A co udelat chlebicky jako predkrm? S domacim ceskym bramborovym salatem?
Tak snad caj s rumem jeste zvladnu. Chlebickama uz je rozmazlovat nebudu, to bych je uz od nas asi nikdy nedostala 😉 Ty si necham treba na nejakou tu vanocni party.
Jeste jednou dekuju vsem za rady!!!
U nas se delal obycejny caj s puncem. S tuzemakem se delal grog. Svarak by taky nebyl spatny:) Ja myslim, ze nejblizsi k tuzemaku je Captain Morgan.
Svickova se servovala s brusinkami, proto ty cranberry:)
Ceske brusinky jsou zakonem chranene a tudiz se k vareni nepouzivaji. Pouzivaji se brusinky americke ( i v Cesku) a podle nekterych odporniku to vubec nejsou brusinky. Cesky odborny nazev pro americkou brusinku je “klikva velkoplodá”. Samozrejme by to znelo dost klikate rikat “svickova s klikvou velkoplodou”, tak si to Cesi zjednodusili a rikaji tomu nespravne “svickova s brusinkami” 😉
So I tried to make grog the other night with E&J VSOP brandi. Nothing like Tuzemák 🙁 Perhaps I’ll try Captain Morgan next.
well Tanya i had my dinner party last night..made rizek and it was a huge hit!! used pork tenderloin and they raved about it…so, a Czech theme with a modern twist…bbq’d asparagus, mashed potatoes with leeks and bacon, delish salad with balsamic vinaigrette…ok, dessert was a true moucnik, jablkovy z drobenkou..and we has Pilsner to boot!
Vlastimile ty to pletes:) brusinky jsou prelozeny do anglictiny lingonberry. Klikva jsou cranberry. To by ta svickova byla pekne klikata. Lingonberry jam je k dostani v Ikea.
“Klikva” – to je opravdu jmeno. Kdybych mela treti dceru, tak bych ji urcite tak pojmenovala :))
Pak bych mela: Hanicku, Evicku a Klikvu :))
Marika, ano, lingonberry kupujeme v Ikee… Svedsku to strkaji do vseho a me to strasne chutna
Tanja, jsi k te Klikve ale tak trochu jako macecha….kdyz uz pises Hanicka., Evicka, tak bys mela psat spravne Klikvuska 😉
HAHA!!! To mas pravdu – samozrejme ze “Klivkuska” . Anebo take Klikvinka, Klivca a kdyz bude hodne zlobit tak ji oslovim Klivkule.
Tak to vidis Vlastimile’ prece jen jis brusinky:)
Ja myslim, ze by spise byla Klikvicka ne?
Marika, ja to vytvoril podle vzoru “Marika”…..Marika -> Maruska Klikva -> Klikvuska 😉
I kdyz Tanja vedecky prisla k vyvodu , ze Klikva je velice ztvarnitelna 🙂
Teda lidi, nam uz asi hrabe.. 😀
No prave, Klivka neklikva, hrabe nam. Ale je to peknej jazykolam, co?
Did you consider breaded pork tenderloin with potato pancakes and sweet/sour cabbage? Maybe have one extra veggie (mixed ) just in case cabage doesn’t go over big. From my experiences, it is hard to please non-Czechs with our food because they tell me it is too heavy or they just odn’t care for the taste. The breaded pork tenderloin is a good choice because it isn’t too crazy for others like Svickova or Koprova and Americans are always eating breaded something or other. I personally like knedlo with my meal, but others find it different and shy away from trying it. Of course, once they have tried it, many do like it. I say be creative enough, but don’t give them too ethnic of a meal at first. Slowly introduce it and you’ll see better results. Try serving a nice pickle salad too if you like. Who doesn’t like a pickle?
Mila Tanyo, zatim ty buchticky sem jeste neudelala, ale na pocest maminky narozenin cely den varim.
Uvarila sem obed, (hruza pro vegetariana!) a k veceri delam jeste jeden special recipe, i dortik.
Tohle kure je poradne presteamovane (- cesky nevim) organicke free range kure na cayenne pepper, marinated s zeleninami v ginger a garlic olive oil a k tomu gorgonozlla. Na strane z CESKEHO testa s CESKYM drozdim cibulkovy chlebicek. Tem co nemaji radi cesnek a cibuli to chutnat asi nebude, ale mama si pochutnala. A tet se dam na veceri a do dortu! Snad se ta fotka otevre 🙂
sorry je videt kde mam hlavu – to kure dema na veceri to na fotce k obedu je ryba – halibut 🙂
Marika, samozrejme to kure bylo free range , ale stejne mu pak zakroutili krkem a rozkrajeli na kousky…
Lidi kupuji free range kurata ne proto, ze maji s temi kuraty soucit, ale protoze stastna kurata pak lepe chutnaji. A kdo nema moc penez, kupuje kurata , ktera cely zivot sedi ve tme (jejich zivot stejne stoji za prd) a kdyz se ta kurata postavi, tak upadnou, protoze neumeji chodit, ale je to levne a zaplni to zaludek cloveka, ktery by mozna jinak umrel hlady , protoze si nedovedu prestavit jist cely zivot jen mrkev a citit se dobre .
Verim, ze tvuj obed byl chutny, miluju cibuli a cesnek….Cibuli jim jako jablka, jedla jsi nekdy sladkou cibuli z Hawaii?
Halibut miluju….opravdu nezne a chutne maso….
Marika, ale nejde mi do hlavy, jak jsi vedela, ze to kure bylo free range, kdyz to byl halibut
no vypada to vyborne! Musela jsem si dojit pro kapesnik, abych si neposlintala cele tricko 😉
A co takhle skubanky s makem a mlekem? Nebo chlebova polevka? A co cerna zabijackova polevka s kroupama? Ja miluju polevku s praseci krve, ale musi byt cerstva, dat pak do toho majoranku , cesnek, kroupy, proste raj na zemi….
Vlastimile, to je napad. Ja miluju zabijackovou polevku. O vikendu mela kamaradka narozky a tak jsme grilovali celeho cunika. Mnam. Tak jsem vypravela jak jsem v doma michala krev aby se nesrazila a byla z ni dobra polivcicka a tak. Tak se z toho tem Amikum jen protacely kukadla. 🙂 Hned si ji objednavam u nasich az budem zase v Cechach.
Tak koukam ze ty Mariky jsou zde dve, timpadem menim sve jmeno na MariKa (protoze ja jsem Maria-Katrin) snad to bude lepe rozlisit. Slecno Mariko, co to jsou brusinky Anglicky?
OK re: chicken apropos co se tyce kurete – JA JE NEJIM ;))) tak ze, jestli sedi ve tme nebo se opaluje na beachi ja zviratka nejim, netrapim, vrzdu nepdporuju a kdyby jste damy precetli knihy me kamaradky Rory (Skinny Bitch pro zeny a Skinny Bastard pro chlapy) trosku by Vas to pomohlo obalamutit na mou stranu:) myslim ze ty knihy jsou prelozene i do cestiny – Hubena Mrcha pro zeny a pro chlapi nevim jak se rekne Bastard ;)))
No ale Vlastimile, to jeste myslis na ty dobre casy, kdyz ten farmar vzal pet minut tomu chuderce kuretku tu hlavu odriznout. Dnes, no ani se dotoho nechci dat. Pak az mi vyjde casopis pristi tyden tak uvidite obrazek co muj graphic guy namaloval, fakticky gifted kluk.
Co se tyce dnesni vecere, obrazky nasleduji 🙂
Zvlast mango cayenne tomato and pepper zelenina s kuretem:
Rustic Italsky testo na chlebik:
pak se daji spolu, namaze se to vse s maslem (pro nejlepsi moznost infarktu) a dopece se to vse spolu v alobalu.
To ze se to maso nejdriv necha sedet v stavnate zelenine to maso zmekne a pak se to pece zvlast, protoze to chleba je treba pect 50 minut a maso jen asi 30
k tomu jsem pak upekla muj prvni dort, samozdrejmne organicky gluten free i ten icing, abych z toho jedla i ja:)
Podaril se, je velice tasty! Happy Birthday mami♥
Vlastimile, ta tvoje menu by se Americanum libila asi jenom na Halloweeen :))
Taky jsem o tom jeste premyslela, a co takhle ryzovy nakyp??? To by se jim ocicka taky asi jenom protacely kukadla. I kdyz s tou prdelackou by se jim ty kukadla asi protacet neprestaly. To i na me je trosku moc 😉
Mystery solved! Ja jsem ted o tom premyslela, jestli krome Vlastimila si nekdo jiny ze me dela legraci:)
MariKo, brusinky jsou lingonberry, enjoy!
MariKa, treba ve Francii se prodava drubez a drobne zvirectvo na trzich zive a prodavac je pred vami na prani zabije. Je tak zaruka, ze maso je cerstve, a kdyz to farmar neproda, tak to desetkrat nerozmrazuje, ale slepice dostane dalsich par dnu svobodu a pak zase hura na svobodny trh, kde ta ruka trhu moc neviditelna neni, zvlaste kdyz ji krouti krkem… Miluju cerstve zabite maso. To se neda srovnat s nicim…… Ja kupuju maso primo od farmaru a pro syrove mleko (raw milk) musim jezdit par miles do Pensylvanie, protoze v New Jersey je zakazano prodavat “raw milk”…
*MariKa-to je bezva, ze je tu vice Cechu, co neji maso 🙂 Ja mam Skinny Bitch a Skinny Bitch in the Kitch knizky, vrele dopurucuji vsem.
*Tanja-Ryzovy nakyp je klasika tady jako rice pudding, jedine, kdybys na to dala vyslehane zapecene bilky vajecne a treba k tomu kompotove ovoce 🙂
Tanicko moje zlata – kapesnik!? – jako v cesku♥
a Vlastimile tvuj posledni post me ale dal sny! Hehehe
OK in English, listen, I loved to eat meat, Oh Em Gee, I can think of a thousand recipes I absolutely loved, o svickove a koprove mi ani tady nemluvte, i kdyz zkusim to jednou s fake masem… a tlacenka a to ani nemluvim o Madarske kuchyni co delali doma nebo jsme meli v Mocca v NY, ty klobasy Madarske, jako ten lovecky salam atd. – tak ze ver mi, vim o cem mluvim, ale tys to jeste nezkusil mym smerem. Going veg (if not vegan) is amazing. The clarity in eye sight, the calmness, the lack of anxiety, life without craving processed dirty food, combined with yoga and constant learning and exposure to new things, you will feel like you’ve never lived. It can only be comprehended by trying it on your own.
PS: did you know they sell raw milk at Whole Foods? They do. I like Almond Milk. Recently I discovered fake bacon that tastes literarily like real bacon, sans the dirt of knowing you helped mass murder, so I make scrambled tofu with caynne and olives and add the fake bacon, and cantaloupe. YUMMY breakfast and low in calories, good amount of healthy fat and def. good for you!
Elisabeth – you rock!
PS: nahore ten obrazek ma Pilsner Urquel – I prefer Czechvar – o mnoho lepsi pivecko!
Pilsner Urquel je moc heavy pro me, ja taky preferuji Czechvar nebo Staropramen. Prodavali v Trader Joe’s pred lety Krusovice, ale uz je nemaji 🙁
Kde kupujes Staropramen? Elisabeth posli mi email – tukni si sem na me jmeno; jestli si v NY tak Farm Sanctuary ma 25 vyroci a ja planuju jit, mam vstup do vip pokoje s hercami. Dobre vegan pochutnavky tez nas ocekavaji. Urcite mi napis, poslu ti pozvanky i na jine, jestli nemuzes tet.
Chci pojmenovat dceru Elisabeth, taky po babicce, ale nevim jak to obavit kdyz jsem tet ‘single’ 😛
Cetla jsem nedavno ze v Nemecku vynasli smer jak dostat spermii z zenske kosti tibie ( gives a whole new meaning to the words ‘go @#$! yourself) no ale nechat to na ty Nemce, ze? Nejdriv telka, pak vlcaci, Mercedes a co jeste? :))))
MariKa-Diky moc za super nabidku, to jsi moc hodna. Bohuzel jsem deep South v Atlante, takze na tu party nemuzu 🙁 Kdybych byla bliz, tak by to slo. Ale urcite se v budoucnu chystam alespon na mesic dobrovolnicit tam na farme. Nemohla jsem najit odkaz na tvuj email, tak tady je muj czech.vegan (at), napis mi 🙂
Ty jsi herecka? Staropramen kupuji ve World Market (Cost Plus) a obcas ho maji i v jinych obchudkach.
Nemci me s nicim uz nesokuji 🙂
Holciny, doporucuji procist si post (a take komenty pod nim!) zvany “where to find Czech/Slovak groceries in the US’:
– tam najdete skoro vsechno 🙂
PS: Elizabeto a MariKo – nechcete si vymenit linky? Pro mne by to byla pocest!
MariKa, s tim nemeckym vynalezem jsi me vydesila, ….. Ale aspon zenske v nas muzich nebudou porad videt jen a jen sexualni objekt 😉
Vid? Ted muzou na to myselt kdyz se pritom divaji se na sve vlastni nohy.
Tanyo, nechapu…vymenit linky??